Robbie's injured hand and foot must be better because they didn't get a mention yesterday. Network Rail was back at the top of his list of subjects to complain about and his leg was causing him a lot of pain so that got a mention once or twice too. He has an appointment at the hospital on Thursday to test how the nerves in his legs are working (or something like that). I don't suppose we will know anything more on Thursday, I expect he will have to wait weeks to see the consultant again. By the time they finally get around to deciding what is making his legs misbehave they will probably put it down to old age!
We had snow yesterday, there wasn't much and it didn't last for long but it was very cold. When I took Meg for her morning walk she seemed not to notice the cold, she wanted to stop and sniff almost every blade of grass and she gave me the most reproachful look when I insisted on hurrying along because I was freezing. It was just as cold this morning but Meg had her strategy sorted out and there was no way that she was going to be hurried. Each time I tried to pull her lead she pulled back and when I insisted she sat down and looked at me with a defiant glint in her eye. Despite the cold there are signs that spring isn't too far away, the evenings are getting a little lighter and flowers are appearing in the garden, we already have some daffodils out, they are in a sheltered position near the hedge so I guess that makes them a little earlier. Speaking of the hedge, it will not be long before it needs cutting, so we will have to get the hedge cutter repaired (he cut the cable off last year) but after Robbie's recent mishaps I am not too confident about letting him loose with the hedge cutter!
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