Thursday, 13 March 2008

Parting With Memories 02.02.08

Robbie was late home again on Friday, but not so late that his dinner was in the dog. It wouldn't have matter because the very first thing he told me about was the buffet at the meeting he went to today - I am sure people must think I starve him at home! He said that they were expecting several more people to stay for lunch, but for various reason the other people had to leave early so there was a lot of food. 'Was' being the operative word because it sounds very much as if Robbie did his famous locust impression by eating everything he saw. No wonder he wasn't able to hurry for the previous train!

Now that we have hot water again I have been reorganising the airing cupboard. I have lived in this house for almost 17 years and every couple of years I have had a sort out and tidy up in the airing cupboard. Usually we reach a point where the airing cupboard door refuses to close properly and then I reluctantly sort through and rearrange the piles of bedding and towels until looks a little more orderly again. We had to empty the whole cupboard for the hot water cylinder to be replaced and yet again I marvelled at its tardis like capacity - how did all that stuff fit in there?

Robbie said that I simply had to get rid of all the old or unused items. People who live in glass houses......he is a terrible hoarder. Anyway, I spent much of yesterday sorting though piles of stuff trying to decide what should stay and what should go. There was Emily's Thunderbirds Duvet set - she was a great Thunderbirds fan when she was tiny. I asked her if I should keep it and received a resounding 'YES'. Laura still uses her Noddy set, but we also have her 101 Dalmatian's bedding and there is NO way she will part with that! Sam proved less sentimental, but somehow I couldn't quite bring myself to part with his old covers either, they are a record of his different interests as he grew up. Dennis the Menace, Sharks, Super Heroes and Simpsons. I packed them all neatly into a storage bag to be stowed away at the bag of the highest shelf - just in case.

Sheets were sorted in to double and single piles and I found it a little easier to part with a few sheetsthat were looking a bit shaggy. I even added 2 or 3 double duvet covers to the bin bag, but it is hard to be ruthless. I found the duvet set that I had at college and with considerable reluctance I added to the bin bag, it hadn't been used for 20 years so I don't need it, but it feels like throwing away memories. The towels are even more difficult, they are like old friends. Some were wedding presents (the first time) some where collected along the way at significant events. We still have the towels I made for the children to go over their heads and make it easier to get dry after swimming lessons, they refused to part with them. Then there are the pets towels, am I the only one to demote towels to dog towels when they get a bit worn? Ok, I admit that we have quite a lot of pet towels - but when Robbie baths Megan he always ends wetter than her and the bathroom looks as though there has been a tidal wave.

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