Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Missing Person 28.12.07

Last Saturday Robbie and I had to go out to do some last minute food shopping before Christmas. I detest shopping when it is crowded but it couldn't be avoided, so when we had done the housework we got ready to go to Morrisons. I asked Robbie to pop round to our neighbours house to deliver a Christmas present while I got my shoes and coat on. That was a big mistake, an hour later I was still sitting there in my coat waiting for him to come back!! I decided that if I was going to wait any longer I would do it in comfort with a cup of tea - in his railway mug! He finally turned up with a big grin on his face and told me that he'd had a lovely cup of coffee and a nice chat with our neighbour and her (very attractive) daughter. That man needs a minder, he's not safe to be allowed out on his own! We finally got our shopping, but it was absolute chaos in the supermarket. It took me a little longer to forgive Robbie for his disappearing act, but I can never stay cross with him for very long.

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