Favourite Posts

Robbie is 'for decorative purposes only' by that I don't mean that he has film star good looks, whatever it is that makes him attractive is more than skin deep. He has lovely blue eyes, his own wacky style and a great sense of humour. His enthusiasm for any new task that comes his way is boundless, but it is not always matched by practical ability! That's what I mean by for 
decorative purposes only!! 

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Everyone knows about Robbie's passion for Deltics in general and Royal Scots Grey in particular. It is not hard to see why he loves Deltics so much, the power, the sound, the shape, they are awesome. 

Sparks have been flying in our house. A week or so ago Robbie told me that I looked like a trout and when he realised that his words had upset me he tried to make it better by telling me that he didn't mean my whole face, just my mouth! 

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The title of this post has very little to do with the content, I came across it and I liked it so I used it. My son pointed out to me the other day that I am getting more Random. He claims that I go around assimilating all sorts of odd information, facts and quotations and then when I find an unsuspecting 'victim' I share all my all this information regardless of whether they are interested or not. I told him that he was describing Robbie not me, but he said that was his point, I am getting more like Robbie.

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We went on a Pendolino to Carlisle today - just there and back to make sure that it is still in the same place! We went to Milton Keynes to catch the Carlisle service, we go there for the comedy value, they have the campest station announcer ever. He is so entertaining, the children find him absolutely hilarious. 


When I first met Robbie it wasn't 'love at first sight' but he has an energy and enthusiasm that is really unusual. He is interested in almost everything and he hoards nuggets of random information that tend to spill out at the oddest of times. He is passionate about trains, music, clothes, gadgets - the list goes on, it is one of his most attractive traits. I wouldn't want to change him, but sometimes life would be easier if he wasn't quite so passionate about the little things!

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