There was and amazing red sky on Monday afternoon, it made me think of the old saying 'red sky at night; shepherds delight, red sky in the morning; shepherds warning'. There was a red sky again this morning (but not as dramatic as last night) I don't know what that means - shepherds with bipolar disorder possibly! I don't think there are many shepherds around here these days, delighted or otherwise, but there is one very relieved cat. Oreo went to the vet to part with his manhood yesterday and he came home fighting fit, ravenous and bursting with energy. He raced around the house teasing the dog and doing everything he could think of to get Dave the cat to play with him. If that is the result of castration, I can think of one or two human candidates!
I couldn't help worrying about Oreo while he was at the vet's. I had lots to do, but I couldn't concentrate on anything, in the end I distracted myself with inconsequential stuff. Procrastination, that's the word. I needed to go to the Cross Country Trains website because I wanted to send them some feedback about our journey on Saturday. I was quite impressed with the site on the whole, it was easy to navigate and I found what I wanted without any problem. Once I had the email address that I wanted I had a look at the various sections of the site, one section gave me cause for concern - I'm not sure the world is ready for that 'meet the team' photo - scary! One person's expression suggested that he had haemorrhoids and I am almost certain that George from 'George and Mildred' had sneaked into the picture! I thought I would have a quick look at the Virgin Trains site to see how it compared and to see if they had a meet the team type photo. I didn't like the general presentation as much because it was harder to navigate, but there were a couple of interesting sections such as their stuff for students, and there was a nice photo of Chris Gibb. They had made the wise decision to only expose the public to one face at a time and they only included small head and shoulders photos. I had now got a taste for the websites of train operators and I decided to have a look at the First Great Western site. Barry Doe states that you can judge a train operating company by the presentation of it's timetables, I wondered if the same principle applied to websites. The FGW site was far better than the service they deliver to the travelling public. I noticed that they don't have a meet the team page or anything similar - perhaps they are afraid of retribution! After that I couldn't waste any more time on trivia and I applied myself to the more pressing matters of the day.
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