Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Man Stress 14.12.07

Robbie suffers from what Laura calls 'man stress'. It can be brought on by the most seemingly trivial matter and unlike PMT it is unpredictable in onset and duration. By the time he arrived home yesterday he was in a foul mood - thanks to Network Rail! To make matters worse he found out that I had committed a terrible sin, I had used his railway mug. He doesn't mind me reading his railway books, I can even play with his trains (under supervision) if the mood takes me, but he is soo possessive about his railway mugs. It got worse a couple of months ago when someone kidnapped his Bombardier (train) mug, that apparently had great sentimental value. He searched everywhere but the mug was lost for ever. Anyway last night he came home with 'man stress' and when he attempted to make a cup of coffee, he found that his mug was in the bowl to be washed up. I was busily cooking and washing up, but rather than use one of the countless other mugs he stood behind me, sighing and fidgeting, until I had washed his cup. He came so close to wearing it!

The mug didn't cure the 'man stress', but it relieved the symptoms for a few minutes. He was impossible for the rest of the evening, he tends to slap his thighs in exasperation, he waves his arms about, he sighs so loudly that you could hear it in the next town and he even breathes disapprovingly, he thunders around making twice as much noise as usual (yes really!). He spoils the whole effect by the way he stands, he usually has one hand on his hip and that changes the whole effect from menacing ogre to camp troll!!

Do you think I could claim compensation from Network Rail for the stress they cause?!

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