Saturday, 26 January 2013

A Flying Fox?

I am fed up with the snow, it has stubbornly refused to go away and we have had ominous warnings of more snow for the weekend. Each morning this week I have paused on my early morning trip to the bathroom to look out of the landing window to check on the snow situation. The window looks across the flat roof of the utility and the garage towards our neighbour's garage and the side of their house. The snow has remained deep and undisturbed except for the tracks left on the surface of the snow by a passing bird. However today was different something had got on to the roof and walked from the front to the back. 

At first I assumed it must have been a cat, but when I thought more about it I was sure that the tracks were made by something a bit bigger and heavier than a cat. I took a closer look at the prints and having checked on the internet I realised that they were not feline prints, a fox had walked across our roof! It seems that the trellis and climbing rose near the utility room window make a perfect ladder. I didn't know that foxes could climb but there are plenty of clips on YouTube which prove that foxes are very determined and if they need to climb to get to their desired destination they will do so. 

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