Sunday, 15 April 2012

To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect. Oscar Wilde

Look what I saw when I popped out to buy eggs on Friday! As I was walking back to the car I looked over into the paddock to see the donkeys and there it was just sitting there grazing. If I didn't know it was flightless I would swear that's what's been targeting my car in the last couple of weeks!! It is the strangest sight, two donkeys and an ostrich grazing in a field.

Robbie will be most put out that I went to the farm shop without him. He doesn't think I do anything when he is not around, one day I will really do nothing and he will soon spot the difference! He will also be disappointed that I didn't buy him any dripping. I was going to, but they didn't have any. It is probably just as well because it really isn't good for him; he only has it as an occasional treat. Not that I would consider it a treat, it looks absolutely disgusting and I have never felt the urge to try it. I will get him some next time I go to the farm shop. When it comes to food (and most other things) my grandmother's advice has served me well 'a little of what you fancy does you good'.

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