Saturday, 31 March 2012

Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice - George Jackson

Some things are incredibly hard to write about because they are too painful. Such things can leave you feeling diminished and powerless, a shadow of your real self. It is not a good place to be and when you are feeling at your lowest it is almost impossible to gather all your strength and courage to decide that enough is enough and to take a step towards putting things right. At such times it is hard to believe that anything you do will make the slightest difference, but one thing is certain, doing nothing is not an option.

We have faced a situation like that over the last few months. It has been very hard to just keep putting one foot in front of the other to face each day because it seemed that each day brought new difficulties. I am very proud of Robbie, as if coping with near constant pain isn't hard enough he has faced these difficulties, done the right thing and hopefully now after months of worry we can see light at the end of the tunnel. We still have a way to go, but at least we now have reason to hope. My message to anyone else facing a difficult situation or being treated unfairly, is to be strong (I know it is much easier said than done) and not to give up however impossible your situation seems. Stand up for what is right, it will make you feel better and it may enable others to do the same.

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. -Mark Twain  

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