Tuesday, 16 August 2011

An Impossibly Large Banana

We had a fairly busy day today. After a lazy breakfast we took a drive to North Walsham for Robbie to get his ears lowered. We had a very busy (and worrying) few weeks before our holiday and Robbie just didn’t have time to get his hair cut. His hair looks really nice now, they cut it very well, I hope he doesn’t decide that he has to come back to North Walsham every time he needs a haircut! Since we were there we decided to have a little look at the shops and we found some lovely copies of old railway posters.

Then we drove to Wroxham. It is a rather eccentric place and it is always crowded, but it is nice to see the boats on the broads and it is nice to have a wander around the shops. Nearly all the shops are branches of Roys of Wroxham, Robbie always likes to have a look at their toy shop and when he gets into the menswear department I feel as I will never manage to drag him away. Today he bought a big yellow banana carrier, he seems to have rather grandiose ideas – it would take a formidably large banana to fill that carrier! He also bought some cards with old railway posters on them. We drove home via Tesco because Robbie liked the razor blades that he bought the other day so much that he wanted another pack while they were on offer. He was in so much pain again today, I feel so useless because there is nothing I can do to make him feel better.

It was a nice evening, there was a beautiful sunset and the bats were flying around, I love bat watching when I am here. One flew so close to my head to my head that I thought it might bump into me, but of course it didn’t, they fly close but they never crash. Robbie got really excited when he saw a wind turbine installation vessel, it was called IMP Resolution, and you could see it very clearly through the binoculars.

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