Sunday, 21 February 2010

Look Who Came Down the Chimney!

I first wrote about the bird that came down the chimney over two weeks ago. We could hear the scratching and fluttering but despite pulling out the furniture and opening up the sealed off fireplace we could not free the bird. It seemed to be stuck on a ledge about a foot above the fireplace and there was nothing I could do to get it out. Robbie didn't seem too bothered about it, but every night I would lay awake in bed listening to it scratching and wondering what more I could do to save it. I had almost given up hope, but at lunchtime on Saturday there was an almighty bump and the most enormous pigeon landed with a thud in the fireplace. The poor thing looked rather tatty, but I am amazed that it survived. It eventually flew around the room a few times and we threw the window open to allow it to escape. It didn't seem too keen to redescover the great outdoors so we left it shut in the bedroom with the windows open and when we went back an hour or so later it was gone.

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