Thursday, 5 November 2009

Stop Looking At Me

Robbie has become very odd about his early morning routine, in fact there is no routine. Sometimes he goes even earlier than his usual stupidly early start, but sometimes he goes slightly later. Robbie is a creature of habit so all this randomness is rather alarming. I discounted the possibility that he is conducting an early morning affair with a woman with disorganised travel habits. in fact if he had the stamina to manage that first thing in the morning he would deserve a medal. Anyway there are very few people around who could cope with Robbie's incessant babbling about the history of British swimming baths or other equally gripping trivia at any time of day, so it is unlikely that anyone would have the fortitude to endure it before 6am!

I couldn't work out what was going on so I had to confront him about it. After a bit of bluster he admitted that there was a problem - green trains! I can understand him not liking the colour, it is hideous, but I couldn't understand why they were disrupting his life. Apparently he is going to considerable lengths to avoid them because they have a different seating plan and he hates it because he can't have his usual seat, he thinks people look at him!

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