Saturday 16 February 2008

Clear Desk - Or Not? 27.03.07

At the weekend I gave Robbie a bit of a hard time regarding the state of his desk at work. After some initial reluctance he succumbed to a little bribery and he agreed to sort it by Wednesday morning. When he arrived home yesterday he said the job was complete, I expect the poor desk will be a bit sensitive to daylight after this long! I threatened to send him with a duster and polish this morning so that he could put the final touches to it. When I was at school we used to have to take a duster and polish in on the last day of each term to clean our desks, of course they were the old fashioned sort of desks with lids and real inkwells. The highlight of each new term was being issued with a pristine piece of pink blotting paper, by the end of the first week it would be tatty and disreputable, but that didn’t seem to matter. New exercise books evoked just as much pleasure, but they were marred all to soon by the inevitable inkblot or spelling mistake. In those dim distant days we didn’t even imagine computers, spell checks and all the other wizardry that we now take for granted. Anyway that’s enough nostalgia for now. Can anyone confirm that Robbie really has tidied his desk?

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