Saturday 16 February 2008

Peace and Harmony 09.04.07

Robbie has finally been forgiven for the 'incident with the intoxicating onions' and all subsequent misdemeanours. I explained that when in a hole, he should stop digging, but somehow I don't think he can help himself! We went to my mum's for the afternoon and Robbie grew bored by the newly restored harmony so he steered the conversation to the one subject that was guaranteed to cause an argument - religion! As always we disagreed - forcefully! I think I scored a narrow victory because Robbie had to resort to insults and low language to make his point. He really is the most infuriating man, but I can't stay cross with him for very long, and I suspect that all the nagging in the world won't make a scrap of difference so I may as well save my energy. My mum has a theory about men, she says that they are like dogs and if you don't catch them while they are young they are impossible to train. It seems she was right!!

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