Saturday 16 February 2008

Animal or Vegetable 13.04.07

Many of you will know that Robbie loves to eat and many people have marvelled at his capacity to clear not only his own plate but everyone else's as well. He will eat unspeakable things that I can't even bear to think about such as black pudding and dripping and haggis. However even Robbie has his limits and the general rule seems to be that if it is 'animal' he will eat it and if it is 'vegetable' he probably will not. He eats some vegetables now just to please me but he is not very adventurous - when we first met he didn't eat any vegetables! This reluctance leads to occasional conflict within the family as the girls try to be healthy and eat their '5 a day' but when Robbie cooks he omits the vegetables entirely if he can get away with it. One such episode occurred on Wednesday so yesterday I ensured that we had good fresh veg with our meal, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. Robbie was horrified and was scathing in his response, he reacted as if I was trying to poison him. He ate the carrots but he couldn't bear to look at the cauliflower and broccoli. It seems that it was almost grounds for divorce, thank goodness I didn't offer him sweetcorn (he hates it) that would caused an even worse reaction!

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