Wednesday 20 February 2008

Clothes - Or Not! 02.05.07

Robbie got a new pair of Dr Marten boots and wore them to work for the first time yesterday. I have never met anyone quite so obsessed with shoes before. It is lovely to see someone so excited about a pair of shoes, but it is a little exhausting when they crop up in every sentence!

I have to move from the subject of shoes to the subject of clothes - or lack of them. During the evening I was busy with some work notes and Robbie wanted to watch How to Look Good Naked. I hadn't seen it before and I became quite alarmed when Robbie and Sam sat there discussing the ideal shape for a woman. I took a bit more notice of the program and realised that it involved taking photos of people in their underwear and posting huge posters of them in the street for all to see. When the person is confident with their natural shape they are photographed naked. I hope Robbie doesn't get any ideas, the world is not ready for pictures of him in his underwear let alone naked! Perhaps they could make a program to encourage him to put more clothes on!

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