Saturday 16 February 2008

The Dogs's Birthday! 25.04.07

I suspect Robbie has not been a ray of sunshine to work with over the last couple of days. Don't worry, normal service has been resumed so you can approach him in relative safety. Yesterday he was tired and still hurting from his fall on Saturday. But one of his colleagues who is obviously not familiar with Ecclesiastes Ch 3, didn't pick up on the not so subtle clues and continued to risk life and limb by winding him up. So just for Ginge here is the essential information from Ecclesiastes, if you can follow this advice it should make life easier - for everyone else!
'There is a time for everything ............ a time to be silent and a time to speak'

Robbie arrived home late and wound like a coiled spring. A simple alteration to our usual kitchen Routine was enough to provoke the catastrophic change to the 'Incredible Sulk' and I left him to 'enjoy' his own company while life continued much as normal without him. You will understand the gravity of the situation when I explain that Robbie refused to eat! I ended up putting his dinner in the dog! Meg thought it was her birthday and she cleared the bowl within seconds.

Now before I finish there is another bit of advice that could almost have been written for Ginge. This time it is from Proverbs Ch 17
'Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent'

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