Wednesday 20 February 2008

Why does he have to be quite so unique!! 12.05.07

The 'Random Robbie' for this weekend was good even by his standards. Usual thing, wrong time, wrong place and Robbie paused briefly to grasp a passing thought. He said "you know what you don't see around these days?" I didn't answer, but resistance was futile and he meandered on "I'm not sure if the prefix was 7 or 9 ....... (brief pause) no, it was 9, they used 6 and 7 for school buses". By this time I had given up hope and taken up knitting!

A little later he had realised that talking about buses while enjoying some quiet time with his wife on a Saturday morning was not really the way to win friends and influence people. He cuddled up and gave me his undivided attention - briefly! Then we got the second quote of the day "Did you know that they have 2000% inflation in Zimbabwe?" Yes, I knew they were in a bad way, but he really does choose his moments to choose to discuss world politics!

A bit later in the morning I was talking about something important and he appeared to be listening, he gave himself away by interrupting me mid sentence to tell me about a terrible nightmare that he had last night. The cause of this nocturnal angst - he dreamed that his new Dr Marten boots had fallen apart!

Why does he have to be quite so unique!!

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