Saturday 16 February 2008

Trust Not Restored 20.04.07

Robbie has managed to restore my old AOL and recover most of the lost email, but he hasn't yet restored my trust in him. Last night I didn't feel he was taking the situation seriously enough, and this morning he expected me to be back to normal because most of my mail has been restored - I wasn't! I tried to explain that it felt like a violation and when that fell upon deaf ears I explained I was more upset by him interfering with my email than if I had caught him trying on my underwear. That caught his attention and with a big grin he announced that it fitted perfectly and made him look really good. That has to be a matter of dispute! Sorry Richard, what a thought for a Friday morning, you can read on safely without any more disturbing images being conjured up. I am still feeling upset with Robbie, but at least I have my nice English voice back on AOL and my spell check works in English again. That American accent drove me mad, but I guess it could have been worse it could have had a French accent!

I have had to confiscate one of Robbie's ties. I have always hated it anyway, but wit the local elections looming people would think he was canvassing for votes. Does anyone remember Roger Red Hat from the old school reading scheme, well we almost had Robbie Red Tie!

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