Thursday, 7 February 2008

Midnight Murder 03.02.07

I had a really bad night, as well as being troubled by a bad back, I dreamed that Robbie had been arrested for murder. Not surprisingly the corpse was the Wild Woman from Walsall, in reality he would probably have received a knighthood for services to humanity, but in my dream he was locked away for life and I was devastated. There must be a queue of people waiting to deal with that woman, so the police would be spoilt for choice when selecting a suspect! The most surreal aspect of the dream was that he had killed her on the stairs and I was finding it most inconvenient to step over the corpse when I went up and down stairs. Totally weird!

When I woke up I was so relieved to find that Robbie was not a murderer and had no restrictions on his liberty. But real life proved more surreal than my dream when Robbie lay next to me in bed and started to make a series of buzzing and whirring noises. I wasn't sure if I should phone for an ambulance or for men in white coats! When he regained the powers of human speech he explained that he was making the noise of a class 92 as it gathers speed passing through Tame Bridge Parkway station. He went on to tell me that the fan on his colleagues computer makes a noise exactly like a class 92 gathering speed. I must admit that I think Class 323's make a sound when pulling away like those irritating 2p slot machines that make a semi-musical noise when the coin drops through the machine. I think you have to be inside the train to hear what I mean.

Robbie nearly drove me mad yesterday, he went on and on and on about his new computer at work. In particular he was overjoyed to find that it had a three and a half inch floppy drive. He said he finds three and a half inch floppys very useful - can't say that I do, but there is no accounting for taste!

Please Note
I must point out that I don't wish anyone dead, not even the Wild Woman from Walsall. But as a scrupulously honest person I must admit that there have been occasions when I wished that she would be struck dumb. The world would be a better place if she had been fitted with a volume control and a mute button!

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