Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Magnet Man Survives - This Time! 14.02.07

I was relieved to see that the TV had recovered overnight and we no longer had multicolour patches all over the screen. Magnet man is not allowed to bring the magnet into the same room as the TV, but I am rather anxious about the potential damage to other equipment around the house.

We have had a number of disorganised mornings recently, so I was pleasantly surprised when Sam was ready for school on time looking fairly presentable. He headed off to the car and while I picked up my laptop and various other bits and pieces. As I opened the car door to put my bags in I glanced down and noticed Sam's feet. He was wearing full school uniform, passably clean shoes - and powder blue socks!! That boy must have a death wish, his school is very strict about uniform. I had to dash back into the house to get him some black socks so that he could change in the car. I'm not sure if I will ever understand how the male mind works!

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