Tuesday, 12 February 2008

The Magic Finger 21.02.07

Sam returned to school today with all the problems of the new site and new routines to cope with. He really isn't good at dealing with change and it can be very unsettling for him, due to his Aspergers Syndrome. His school have gone on to a cashless catering arrangement, so instead of giving him dinner money I charge up his account and he pays for his meal by scanning his fingertip. He is good with computers and technology, but the possibility for error with this system bothered him. Like Robbie, Sam likes to eat and the prospect of no lunch was too much for him to bear. He has been protecting his 'magic' finger for days, but to be absolutely sure he took extra money to school as well - he is a 'belt and braces' sort of person! You will be glad to know that he didn't starve, the magic finger worked perfectly.

We had some very sad news today, one of Emily's close friends has been killed in a road accident, she is devastated, we all are. He was an exceptional young man and he will leave a huge gap in the lives of a great many people. It really makes you value what is truly important in life instead of obsessing about trivia that really doesn't matter at all in the big scheme of life

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