Wednesday 12 March 2008

What Will 2008 Hold? 01.01.08

New Year is the traditional time for taking stock of our lives and making resolutions. I have never really enjoyed the New Year celebrations, it always felt sad somehow, perhaps because it brings the Christmas holidays to an end and the dreary routine of work or school stretches ahead as far as the eye can see. Last year was the first time that I can remember consciously making any resolutions and like most people I was not completely successful in achieving my goals. I am no thinner than I was last January, the only crumb of comfort is that I am not substantially fatter either! This year will be different and hopefully by next January I will be able to report greater success. I was a little more successful in my other resolution, we have reduced our global footprint to some extent, but there is still much more we should do.

Along with the media preoccupation with reviews of the past year, we are treated to predictions about what the year ahead will bring. Generally I don't take much notice of either, why would I we interested in the ramblings of the various self absorbed navel gazers of the media world, and our politicians are incapable of basic honesty when dealing with fact, so their promises and predictions will be about as reliable as a promise from Network Rail. I think I could probably do a more accurate job on the prediction front, so here goes.

Arsenal will continue to be the best looking and most amazing football team, and Manchester United will remain the ugliest!

Network Rail will excel themselves and replace the CSA as the most incompetent and ineffective organisation in UK.

Gordon Brown will age visibly as he lurches from one disaster to the next.

The Liberal Democrats will survive a whole year without a leadership election, but it will make little difference because no one remembers the name of their leader anyway.

Alistair Darling will be offered a part in Dr Who and he will terrify viewers - no make up required!

As usual the railways will grind to a halt a number of times and Network Rail will claim to be surprised by snow, rain, wind and falling leaves and they will wheel out the usual brainwashed androids to convince the world that it really was 'the wrong kind of snow' or that leaf fall could not possibly have been predicted. I wouldn't have thought it required a crystal ball!!

Bristol will retain it's tittle as traffic cone storage capital of the UK with extra cones brought in from the length and breadth of the country to ensure total chaos in the holiday season.

my last item is a wish rather than a prediction, I really hope that the private use of fireworks will be banned and their use restricted to properly authorised organised displays. It would make such a difference to so many dogs, cats and other animals. Meg is absolutely terrified of fireworks.

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