Thursday 13 March 2008

Back to University 13.01.08

I had a busy day today, Robbie was busy having a 'man stress' about something or other so he was neither use nor ornament. Emily and her many belongings had to be taken back to university, you wouldn't believe that one student could possibly need so many 'essentials' and it is hard to imagine how they all fit into one room! I was better organised than last time and I had remembered to borrow my step father's trolley thing to carry the luggage from the car to her room, it made life a lot easier. There were almost enough text books to start her own library, her box of photos weighed a ton, she had so many clothes with her that she probably won't wear half of them, and her shoes took up a whole crate! The Galaxy was packed almost to bursting point but eventually we got it all safely stowed away in her room. I will miss her so much, but she was obviously happy to be back with her friends and it won't be long before she is home again.

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