Thursday 13 March 2008

All Change 06.02.08

Yesterday proved disappointing for Robbie. He took the 'sick' laptop to PC World in Coventry as arranged, but yet again they proved that they were a complete waste of space. We would have got more sense if we had asked our cat to diagnose the fault! So now it is 'plan B' we will speak to an independent repair company to see if they can help.

Despite his frustration Robbie was surprisingly chatty in the evening. He had bumped into an old colleague today and he always enjoys meeting old friends - even the annoying ones. When the CrossCountry franchise transferred from Virgin to Ariva a number of colleagues moved on to new ventures or transferred to 'the Dark Side'. Robbie has bumped into a several of them during his travels recently. Last week he was most impressed that one loud and irritating excolleague appears to have been 'tamed' in his new post. He has been instructed to mute the volume and now he has to make do with sign language and notices, I bet keeping his lip buttoned is killing him. They even have him wearing a shirt and tie - but he still wears an anorak! The old colleague that Robbie met yesterday now works for Network Rail (well, somebody has to!) and it seems that he feels the need for a disguise because he is growing a beard, but true to form for Network Rail it is still a work in progress!

Robbie was working on some important notes last night, I stayed up until midnight but he was still busy so I left him to it. I was woken shortly after 2am by Robbie, he was in agony and seemed rather disorientated. Apparently he had fallen asleep over the computer and had been woken abruptly by the cat, this had made him jump and he'd had a few seconds of panic while he tried to work out why he was at work in his PJ's! He eventually realised where he was, and staggered up to bed, but he was in pain because he had been hunched in an awkward position. I couldn't help laughing about the cat having to wake him up, I expect he was keeping the animals awake with his snoring!

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