Thursday 13 March 2008

Two Robbies - Surely Not! 03.02.08

Robbie has found a new cousin, well to be more accurate she found him. We have started to research his family tree and she found him when we put his tree online. If I have calculated correctly she is his third cousin, she lives in USA and is roughly the same age as Robbie. He was delighted to find one cousin but he was very excited when she told him that he has another cousin who is a railway fanatic. Robbie hopes to make contact with this cousin too, so beware, if those two get together you could be bored in stereo!! Robbie was an only child, but he had two female cousins living fairly close by, and he often reminisces about playing with their Sindy doll etc, no wonder he is in touch with his feminine side! I think he has caught the family history bug from me, I have been researching mine for several years, and it is really interesting to find distant cousins along the way.

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