Thursday 13 March 2008

Robbie - or Possibly Joseph? 10.02.08

Robbie wore 'that' shirt today, the one that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago! You know the very expensive shirt that includes every colour known to man. I vowed that I would never be seen outside the house with him if he was wearing that thing, but we were going to Homebase to buy a bookcase and there was no way I was going to lift that that into the car on my own. Anyway Homebase staff have never been especially helpful to me so why shouldn't they be exposed to 'the walking test card' if I have to put up with it! The bookcase is for Robbie's railway books, I had to give in and agree to another bookcase because there are so many books in the bedroom now that they will be taking over the bed!

Robbie settled back into the car having safely stowed the bookcase in the boot and it seemed to be the right moment to make my point. I asked if he knew the Bible story about Joseph and his coat of many colours, he said that he did, so I told him that he probably had a shirt just like that to go with it! Emily and Laura are deeply unimpressed with the shirt, Emily commented that she would have thought they could have included a couple of buttons since the shirt was so expensive!!

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