Thursday 13 March 2008

Monday Morning Blues 21.01.08

Monday mornings seem to crop up far too frequently. This morning found me driving towards Kettering at just after 6am to get Emily back to Leicester in time for a 9am lecture. Robbie decided to travel to work via Leicester too, he says he likes a bit of variety in his life, but really I think he just wanted to be sure that Emily was OK. I got them to Kettering station in plenty of time, but there they stayed until just after 7.30am because a signalling problem was causing long delays. Emily still got to her lecture on time, but if Robbie's colleagues hoped for a peaceful morning without him they were doubly disappointed, he wasn't late in the end, and when he got there one of his colleagues made a serious error of judgement - he asked what Robbie did at the weekend! Apparently Robbie was still talking several hours later! It could have been worse, he could have worn that dreadful shirt. He wore it on Saturday, I didn't notice at first because he wore his waxed jacket done up tightly under his chin so that I couldn't see his shirt. This made him look rather like a character from that dreadful program that he likes so much - Kenny from South Park. The shirt looked every bit as bad as I had feared and I was cross with him for wearing it in public. Maybe he was wearing it for protection - to repel the Wild Woman, if so it worked! Come to think of it, it could well have been Robbie's shirt that distracted the lorry driver and caused the bridge bash on Saturday. He loves it, but I think it will look better after a mixed wash accident!!

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