Thursday 13 March 2008

Family Ties 13.03.08

I got fed up with all the commentary on the budget yesterday, I didn't expect anything good to come out of it, so he managed to live up to my (very low) expectations. I don't suppose it is Alistair Darling's fault that he looks like the Grinch, but it doesn't exactly inspire confidence!

It is the funeral for Robbie's uncle today, so Robbie will go to work as usual and then head for Norton Canes just before 11am. He couldn't find his black tie among the vast Burgess tie collection, I don't think he looked terribly hard. I said that a black tie was not essential and a dark one with a sober pattern would be OK. He gave me a hard stare and said 'not for a Burgess funeral' and he told me that he would buy a black one. I don't suppose Robbie possesses a sober tie anyway, his taste is veers more towards the loud and lurid.

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