Thursday 13 March 2008

The Earth Moved Last Night! 27.02.08

Robbie has been very tired recently. In the evenings he likes to sit on a hard chair because it is better for his back, he usually sits in 'his spot' in the corner, with his laptop on the table in front of him. I have been keen to keep him at arms length since his trip to Edinburgh at the weekend, his breath absolutely stank when he came back. I am not sure what he had eaten but the dreaded word haggis was mentioned, after that I didn't want any more details, but it wouldn't have surprised me if he had eaten a whole bulb of garlic, he could have stripped paint with that breath. By yesterday morning I could just about tolerate him next to me but when he got home last night he stank again, he had 'accidentally' bought a subway roll with an evil smelling filling, so I was delighted that he chose to sit in the corner a safe distance away from me.

He is like the dormouse from Alice in Wonderland who slept through the Mad Hatter's tea party, rousing occasionally to share a random piece of information before dozing again. Robbie's random fact for the evening was that he forgot to have a dessert on Saturday because he was too full. Imagine that - Robbie wasn't hungry!! During the evening as Robbie dozed he gradually tipped forward until his nose rested on his laptop. I woke him several times but he wasn't a happy chap so in the end I gave up and left him to it.

I woke with a start to the sound of a huge lorry speeding down the street, the room shook and I went to the window to see if the lorry had hit a building. The street was calm and I couldn't quite make sense of it, I snuggled back into bed still unaware that what I had heard was an earthquake. There was a second thunderous noise a few minutes later, it wasn't an after shock, it was Robbie coming up the stairs to bed. It seems that the earthquake had succeeded in waking him up!

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