Thursday 20 March 2008

How will Ireland Cope with Robbie?

Robbie got to Ireland safely and when I spoke to him last night he chatted excitedly about the meeting he'd attended. Apparently they were given a cardboard cut out train, if only I had known that a cardboard cut out and a couple of pens would cause such excitement I could have saved a fortune on his birthday! He will be home this evening, and no doubt he will talk incessantly about trains for the next couple of days. Never mind, I will be glad to have him home despite the ear ache.

Robbie chose the right time to be away. I was woken last night at about 1.30am by a car alarm going off, it continued until well after 2am by which time Meg the dog had started to whine and make a fuss. Shortly after 2am I was out in the garden with Meg who proved very reluctant to return to the house. For the rest of the night she moaned and whined and scratched at the bedroom door asking to go out. I spent more time in the garden than in bed and it became obvious that she had a tummy upset. I wished Robbie was here, because at the very least he would have kept the bed warm! Meg seems a bit better this morning, but I am feeling rather tired.

Robbie phoned again told me about his breakfast in much greater detail than was necessary, he then provided a detailed account of the room layout and the performance of the shower, then just in case I was not already bored rigid he launched into a detailed synopsis of this weeks Archers storylines. It left me wondering how Ireland will cope with Robbie - they probably can't understand a word he says!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

think I ought to have stayed in Ireland........