Monday 17 March 2008

Brave or Stupid?

Robbie has been ranting about his socks again. He had a major 'man stress' about them on Saturday, claiming that all his best pairs of socks had been stolen. Yes, stolen!

I wonder who he thinks the sock snaffler might be. Sam has a whole draw full of socks so I doubt he has any inclination to 'borrow' Robbie's socks. The girls cringe at the thought of his socks and there is no way that they would touch them. I have better things to do than steal socks, so that only leaves the dog and the cats - unless the guinea pig is selling them on ebay! I know times are hard but I am not aware of a booming market in second hand socks and I doubt we are being targeted by a burglar with a foot fetish!

Robbie didn't think I was taking the matter seriously enough, so he gave me an ultimatum. Either I take better care of his socks or he will have to wash them himself from now on. Guess what, I chose option two! He will be dealing with his own smelly socks in future, and he can look after his own 'smalls' too, after all if there is a sock snaffler about it is only a matter of time until they progress to 'bigger things'.

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