Thursday 13 March 2008

Things That Go Bump in the Night! 10.03.08

Robbie seemed to have a good time 'playing trains' on Saturday. He didn't get home until after midnight and I had been very clear that if he wanted to go 'out to play' he would have to go to and from the station by taxi, I tolerate 5.30am starts and late finishes on weekdays but my weekends are precious and I am not keen on loitering at the station at midnight. I headed off to bed at 11.30pm and soon after midnight I heard what sounded like a taxi outside, shortly afterwards I heard what sounded like Robbie coming through the front door and a selection of other lumps and bumps, so I was fairly confident that Robbie was home. I wasn't too surprised that Robbie didn't come up to tell me he was home because he probably thought I was asleep. I continued reading until almost 12.30am when I heard the phone ringing downstairs, Robbie hadn't answered it but I assumed he had fallen asleep (he usually does). I was up, out of bed and galloping down the stairs, after all if someone was ringing at that time of night it must be an emergency and I was worried in case it was Emily. The phone had stopped ringing before I got there but someone was knocking at the door - it was a cold and cross Robbie! Someone had left the key in the door! I don't think it was me, but I can't be certain. Robbie burst in, invented several new words and headed for the kitchen. I wasn't going to hang around for him to bark at, and I went back to bed to continue reading. In due course Robbie appeared with cup of tea and an explanation. I had given him a stern warning not to wake the whole house when he got home, so when he found himself locked out he didn't want to make too much noise. He didn't ring the bell or the phone, he knocked on the door and sent me seven texts, the problem being that I don't take my mobile to bed because it makes those annoying scanning noises, and after years of being on call at night the slightest noise from the phone has me on instant alert. I am still cross with Robbie for not just ringing the house phone or the doorbell, trust him to turn a simple problem into a drama!

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