Thursday 13 March 2008

Legs Behaving Badly! 06.03.08

I took Robbie to the hospital for his tests this morning. I was asked to go in with him which turned out to be a very good thing. He had to take off his shoes and socks and pull up his trouser legs, then he had to lie back on an adjustable chair like the ones dentists use. The tests only took about fifteen minutes and I don't think Robbie found it too painful, but it did make his legs jump about a bit. The conclusion was that the nerves in his legs are not too far from normal, well normal by Robbie standards anyway. He likes being unique and his legs are no exception, one is longer than the other and one foot is four shoe sizes bigger than the other, so I think 'unique' just about sums it up. They have concluded that the problem is probably the result of nerve damage in his lower back due to his spins bifida, and this is preventing the nerve messages reaching his legs. They wanted to do an MRI scan to get a better idea of what is going on, but Robbie said he couldn't cope because he is claustrophobic (allegedly). I intervened at this point and Robbie finally agreed that they could arrange an MRI scan, after all if women can cope with giving birth and the many other indignities we encounter, I am sure he can cope with one MRI scan. He will just have to close his eyes and imagine that he is on the bottom bunk of the sleeper train!

Robbie was upset afterwards because it is very unlikely that there will be anything they can do to stop him falling over or to ease the pain, and it makes him frustrated. I think it is always better to know, and it has ruled out a separate cause for the falls so we are a bit further forward. Now we have to wait for the MRI scan appointment and in the meantime Robbie will continue to act like superman to prove that he is OK, but don't worry I have warned him that wearing his pant outside his trousers would be taking it too far - it would be more Homer than Superman!

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