Tuesday, 4 March 2008

The Elusive Deltic 24.07.07

Robbie disappeared soon after arriving home yesterday. He popped upstairs to the loo and vanished. He should have been helping me to finish off our evening meal, but there was no sign of him. Considerably later he thundered down the stairs armed with a couple of books. No, don't be silly they were not cookery books. He had chosen that particular moment to start a major search for a specific photo of two deltic's standing in a station. I am so used to him that I didn't even try to explain that the deltic picture is not a top priority when compared to the family meal, it would have been a waste of breath. I did mutter a few dark words later when I went up to the bedroom and found that he had ransacked it during his search for the elusive deltic picture, and if I get my hands on the colleague who set him off on this search I may have one or two meaningful things to say to him! Robbie won't rest until he has found it and neither will I - because I will be clearing up after him!!

Emily is due home from Poland on Tuesday afternoon and I will be so pleased to see her back safe and sound. She says that the tour has gone very well and all the concerts were successful, no doubt we will hear about it in more detail when she returns. I have been more worried about the fate of Ron, Emily's favourite character in Harry Potter. Emily intends to buy a copy of the latest book as soon as she is close enough to home to find an English version of the book. I was terrified that Ron would die in the book and Emily would arrive home in tears. It seems my fears for Ron were unfounded but as there are plenty of deaths in the book (at least 9 and a half) there is a strong possibility that Emily will emerge from the coach in floods of tears - she is a real softie. Come to think of it Hogwarts with soon rival Emmerdale for the most dangerous fictional location, I bet they have big problems getting life insurance!

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