Monday 3 December 2007

What to Wear

Yesterday evening the girls were watching Trinny and Susannah Undress. I have only seen it a couple of times, but each week they work with a married couple in an attempt to smarten them up and make them feel more confident. Robbie had one of his more frightening ideas and suggested it would be great fun for us to receive the Trinny and Susannah treatment. I treated the idea with the contempt it deserved, but the girls were horrified. Emily quite reasonably pointed out that the main problem we have with Robbie is getting him to wear clothes. The girls get very cross with him for plodding around the house in his PJ bottoms, or horror of horrors in his pants! I think Robbie would be too great a challenge for Trinny and Susannah and I certainly wouldn't want them telling me what to wear!

Thankfully he seems to have forgotten all about Trinny and Susannah today. This evening he treated me to a detailed description of the first class seating arrangements on Pendolnos - the excitement was almost too much for me!! I had to beg him to stop talking for a while, and when he finally abandoned the subject of seating plans he admitted that one or two of his colleagues have asked how I cope with him. The answer to that is easy, I love him. I can't explain why, I never did understand chemistry! Most of his weird ways don't bother me at all. it is great fun being married to Robbie and if I want a bit of peace occasionally I just send him out to play trains.

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