Monday 3 December 2007

Car Wash

Being a train person, cars are not of much significance to Robbie – but he becomes a bit of an anorak about buses and trams! He has no interest whatsoever in learning to drive a car and I must admit that in my weaker moments I feel that this is a benefit to the community!
I have a Galaxy and it seems to require new tyres almost as often as Robbie desires new shoes. Checking the tyre pressure has become one of those routine jobs that we do more or less every week. At first Robbie was unsure of the process, but his confidence grew and in true Robbie style he has made the task his own. He has turned it into an art form and he now times himself to the second!

Robbie had his own clear ideas about washing the car. As far as he was concerned it had to be done by hand with a traditional chamois. The process involved me moving the car several times so that he could complete the task to his satisfaction. I found the arrangement irritating and Robbie trooping in and out of the kitchen to update me on his progress and refill his bucket could have proved dangerous – to his health! Matters came to a head and when he still resisted the option of the jet wash, I pointed out that it would be quicker, easier, more effective and safer (for him!). None of this swayed him, but then I suggested that the present contortions were an elaborate ruse to engage our very attractive neighbour in conversation! Deeply indignant and protesting just a little too much he meekly agreed to the jet wash.

Once at the garage he was like a child with a new toy. After giving the car the full treatment he jumped back into the passenger seat soaking wet, with a huge grin on his face. Believe it or not he asked if we could drive round and do it again! I didn’t oblige, but I promised he could come out to play again the next weekend. He then told me in great detail about the Tonka Trucks that he had when he was a little boy! Our trips to the jet wash are now almost a weekly event.

Having discovered the jet wash, his enthusiasm for car related gadgets has greatly increased. He has mastered the new vacuum machine and he particularly enjoys the bit at the end when he can douse the car interior with ‘new car’ fragrance. I have to drive with the windows open for a while after that!

Robbie’s latest discovery is how to fill the car with diesel. I have never seen anyone get so much pleasure from such a mundane task! Perhaps all this enthusiasm for cars will improve his map reading, but somehow I doubt it!

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