Tuesday 4 December 2007

The Many Faces of Sam

Looking back on diary entries for 2004 I came across the following. Some things don't change, I still struggle to get Sam to achieve even a basic level of tidiness. He still has a thing about gadgets too, I hope yo find the pictures of the many faces of Sam entertaining.

This morning Sam was eating his cornflakes with chopsticks, I should have known better than to ask why. He claimed he was trying to make his life more interesting – he certainly created more laundry! I was apparently cruel to Sam by forcing him to pick up his rubbish from the lounge floor. He informed me that he wishes he was a mutant so that he could clone himself a million times because he is tired of being my slave 24/7. Well, if he thinks he is a slave I must think of a few more jobs for him!

Sam had been invited to a party this afternoon, he went off to get changed and came back looking like the man from the milk tray advert. I don't understand why he is so fond of that tight black polo neck jumper, he says he looks good in it and it reminds him of James Bond. He insisted on wearing it to the party.

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