Monday 3 December 2007

Food Fads

Feeding my family is always a challenge. Emily has been a Vegetarian for about 7 years so I always have to produce a meat free option for her. Laura is impossible to please, but I suspect most 15 year olds are like that. Sam's obsessions and his very literal way of thinking cause problems for me when preparing food. He stopped eating shepherds pie when he was three because he couldn't be convinced that it didn't contain real shepherds. He does eat it at home but we call it mince with potato on top and it avoids the problem.
He went on a school trip to a rural studies centre when he was 9. They were given shepherds pie for dinner but Sam was convinced it was not safe to eat because it would have real shepherds in it! He told us that there was a lake near the place where they stayed and he thought the easiest way for the cook to catch shepherds was to set traps and drown them. I couldn't change his mind! Once an idea is fixed in his head it is impossible to reason with him. He still insists that Rolf Harris used to have three legs!! He just has his own completely original view of the world.
When he came back from the school trip he told us that he had seen some cattle and one of them was a bull. I asked how he knew it was a bull and he said "I could tell by the look in its eyes".I explained that you could not tell by looking at the eyes and I intended to talk about a ring in the nose, but Sam put his hands on his hips and sighed. He said "Mum! I couldn't look at his dangly bits in case I embarrassed him, I didn't want him to chase me".

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