Monday 10 December 2007

The Curious Case of the Diasppearing Rabbit (and Trouser Troubles) 04.01.07

I mentioned yesterday that Sam's rabbit has escaped from her hutch. I was prevailed upon to buy her a hutch with access to a large run beneath it so that she had constant access to grass and an exercise area. It is beautifully made, and it provides her with every possible comfort, but there is just one thing that nobody thought about - rabbits burrow! As soon as she moved into her expensive new accommodation she decided that she would make a bid for freedom and within days she had tunnelled under the run and set about exploring her new territory. She is not a cute soft little bunny, she is a rabbit with attitude. She terrorises our dog, sees off the local cats and gives Sam the run-around. She has taken up residence under the shed and happily potters around the garden during the day. She even pops back to her hutch for the latest tasty morsels left to tempt her back, but she is too quick for us and she never stays there long enough to lose her liberty. She has been at large for about three weeks now and all Sam's Baldrick like cunning plans have failed to recapture the fugitive.
I am becoming frustrated by the situation now. With considerable effort I manage to keep Robbie and Sam in order (most of the time) and I am not ready to be outwitted by a rabbit, so I have been forced to invest in a humane rabbit trap and some reinforced wire for the base of the run. The trap should arrive tomorrow and I anticipate that the balance of power in our household will soon be restored.

Robbie is very upset this evening, he has managed to tear his best PJ bottoms, not just a slight tear, a huge, uneven tear at least 12 inches long and in a very embarrassing area. I think he harboured a forlorn hope that I would sew them up for him, but I had to gently explain that they were now beyond human help! I still can't work out how he managed to tear them. Oh well, I hated the things anyway - every cloud has a silver lining, or so they say!

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