Monday 3 December 2007

Seven Inches

When I first heard Robbie talking about his 'seven inches' I thought he was deluding himself. However I soon realised that he was talking about his 7in vinyl record collection - what in my day were called singles. By collection I don't mean a handful of records, he has several hundred of these little devils and he still keeps buying more. They are not to be played, he likes them to be perfect so he buys the corresponding CD as well! This creates huge storage issues and the records are particularly fragile. What do you do with a man whose hoarding gene is out of control? Maybe I should buy him a shed!

I wouldn't mind so much if I actually enjoyed some of the music, but with one or two notable exceptions I can't stand it. It is either loud bangy stuff or downright weird! My particular pet hates are Bjork and Radiohead (which sounds like strangled Bjork). If Robbie ever gets into a strop he shuts himself in the kitchen with something horribly loud blaring out from the cd player, it never bothers me, I just leave him shut in there with the washing up. My own methods when irritated are more subtle, if we go out in the car I play the Bee Gees, I like them but Robbie finds all those high notes a bit scary! We do have a couple of Cliff Richard CD's - but that would be cruel and unusual punishment!

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