Monday 3 December 2007

Under Plain Cover

There are three special little words that Robbie says almost every day. Those little words are "did you know........" then follows a detailed (usually very detailed!) explanation about the latest thing that has caught his attention. Last night he uttered those three little words and then treated me to an in depth analysis of the game of marbles. I have no idea why that little gem popped into his head!

Like me he loves magazines, I don't really mind his railway magazines, in fact I quite enjoy reading. I wish he didn't hoard so many old copies - we will need a bigger house soon! I can tolerate him reading NME and even that limp lefty thing that he calls a newspaper, but there is one title that he smuggles into the house and he thinks I don't know about it. No, it isn't anything from the 'top shelf' it's The Grocer! I can't imagine why he reads it, I guess some people find their thrills in the weirdest places!!!

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