Wednesday 6 August 2008

You Can Lead A Horse To Water But .............

They say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, that does not sound anywhere near as impossible as getting a teenage boy to deal with his laundry! Sam doesn't like people to encroach on his bedroom and he thinks I am totally unreasonable to make such huge demands on him. Demands like changing his bedding regularly, being able to see the carpet (not to mention seeing enough of it to be able to hoover) and the most irksome demand of all – to bring his washing down to the washing machine when asked. How hard can it be for him to put his dirty washing in the laundry basket and then bring it down when asked? I achieved a major triumph yesterday after three attempts Sam managed to bring all his dirty washing down (almost all anyway) but it took 3 days of constant nagging to achieve it. I would probably have more success trying to train the cat to keep the house tidy!

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