Thursday 7 August 2008

The King of the Slugs

We had some fencing delivered yesterday. It was just three sections, three posts and three post holders, to patch a gap where the fence got damaged. I got the small items inside but I couldn't cope with the fence sections so Robbie said that he would do it when he got home. What he omitted to tell me was that he wouldn't get home until 10.30pm, so it was past 11pm before the fencing was brought in. I was feeling exhausted because I had just got back from work and Robbie was exhausted and hungry, so he said that he would leave the fencing in the hall until this evening. When I walked through the hall on my way to bed I realised that Robbie had brought in more than just the fencing. There was a giant slug sitting on top of a piece of fence looking at me! I am not frightened of slugs but I don't want one as a house guest so I asked Robbie to escort it outside. I went off to bed so I don't know if Robbie had a close encounter with the slug, but it or one of it's mates must have spent the night in the hall because I have spent this morning cleaning snail trails off the hall carpet. There is no sign of any slugs so either they escaped or one of the cats helped them on their way!

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