Tuesday 19 August 2008

Living Dangerously - Sunday

Robbie didn't wake me quite as early as yesterday but that's because he didn't get up as early and when he called it was to tell me for the 100th time that the new Spitfire polo shirts are brilliant (OK Robbie, I've got the message!) and of course he told me that he was going to have have breakfast before heading back - there's no surprise there Robbie is almost as passionate about food as he is about trains! Sam and I had another nice day, we went out for lunch at our favourite restaurant in Mundesley.

I went to pick the intrepid traveller up from North Walsham station at 5pm and in the short journey back to Walcott he had managed to cause an argument. I don't take kindly to being told what to do, but when it comes from someone who has far less experience of the matter in question than I do. It would have been just a brief argument, once I have said my piece I am happy to move on, but Robbie decided to dig furiously until he found himself in a hole and he couldn't find his way out. So I had another peaceful night – and Robbie had the sofa!

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