Tuesday 8 January 2008

Weighty Thoughts. 14.01.07

Robbie still manages to surprise me. Last night when we went to bed he had been quiet for a few minutes and I was just settling down to sleep when out of the blue he announced "it's amazing how heavy 5kg of water is".
I was so bemused by where he had plucked this random thought from that I forgot to tell him that 5kg of anything weighs 5kg - no more, no less! For some reason he had been thinking about the water tank in our condenser tumble dryer! Once he gets on to his random ramblings there is no stopping him, so I fell asleep with him muttering about replacing the gasket on the freezer and something about the Railway line between Northampton and Birmingham being closed next May - nothing new there!

Today Robbie needed me to take him to get more nails and stuff for the fence. We did the shopping, but Robbie didn't finish the fencing and he didn't even start on the repair to the shed roof. Perhaps this is because I refused to let him go out in the garden in his PJ's, our neighbours couldn't stand the shock!

According to Robbie one of his colleagues told him that he needs to watch more TV, I'm not sure why. This evening he attempted to act on that advice, believe it or not he wanted to watch Fred Dibnah! I'm fairly tolerant, but that is a step too far - TV to top yourself by! Needless to say we didn't watch it, and he can tell his mate to keep his good advice to himself, however innocent. I can't believe he seriously thought I would enjoy watching Fred Dibnah!!

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