Tuesday 8 January 2008

Bob the Bouncer 25.01.07

Emily will be 18 on Wednesday and she is having a joint birthday party with her friend next weekend. It has taken weeks of organisation and angst to get this party arranged and I began to think she would be 21 before it was all sorted out! The complications arose because Emily and her friend couldn't agree on exactly what they wanted, and they had some difficulty keeping to their (rather generous) budget. At one point Robbie offered his services on the door to ensure that only invited guests attended. The venue that they chose in the end has it's own door staff so Bob the Bouncer is no longer required. I was astounded to find that he has been invited and I haven't - I'm just paying! So a week on Sunday Robbie and almost 150 eighteen year olds will be partying the night away. I have asked Emily to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble!

Robbie told me that Sam's remark about his gay walk has caused considerable comment. It is best viewed from the back by the way! Emily pointed out that there are a number of tell tale signs that Robbie is in touch with his feminine side. The most obvious is the man bag, he adores bags of all kinds, but he has a little black number that is very 'Graham Norton', it used to be mine, but he adopted it. He carries my handbag for me all the time and the definitive piece of evidence - he looks incredible in an apron!

He tells me that he has been in trouble with his work mates for providing too much information again. This time it was about a fairly intimate operation, among other things! You can't take him anywhere. He is like some boring old man talking about his war wounds. I think I have sorted the problem, if he doesn't stop talking about it I will put it on the blog, I'm sure he doesn't want that.

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