Tuesday 8 January 2008

18th Birthday 31.01.07

We had a very early start today, it is Emily's 18th birthday and we had all adjusted our morning routines slightly to spend some time with Emily while she opened her presents. I have been working on a photo scrapbook for her, it has taken far more time than I anticipated and I am very pleased with the results. Emily loved it and has taken it to school to share with her friends and to have a good laugh at the funny photos and the terrible clothes she was 'made' to wear when she was younger! I remember feeling that I had been scarred for life by some of the clothes my mum chose for me. I took particular exception to a ruched red swimming costume I was only about two or three, but it made me look like the michelin man's daughter! After that I developed a mind of my own and try as she might my mum could never get me to wear things I didn't like. We were looking at Robbie's old photos a few weeks ago and his childhood pictures caused a few giggles. He grew up in the 1970's, the era of extremely skimpy shorts among other 'fashion triumphs'. A number of the pictures make him look as if he is wearing pants rather than shorts - so that is why he insists on wandering around the house in his knickers, I always thought he was stuck in a time warp! Believe me you don't want me to see the photos, far too traumatic!!

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