Tuesday 8 January 2008

Flying Pigs 12.01.07

Robbie has been forgiven! I was annoyed yesterday, but he was forgiven by bedtime, life is too short to waste it arguing. He eventually went to sleep last night talking about plastic pigs, he woke up this morning still talking about plastic pigs and every conversation with him today has included a reference to his burning desire to have one last ride on a plastic pig on Saturday.

Our garden fence has blown down and needs patching until we can have it replaced, I have the usual weekend pile of washing and ironing, the light fitting in the lounge needs changing and all the usual housework has to be done. The jobs will still be there on Sunday so how can I possibly stop him going if he wants to.

Robbie is not the only man in my life to cause aggravation recently, Sam has been working overtime on the annoying behaviour too. For some reason he has developed an obsessive interest in tea bags despite never drinking tea himself. Someone must have told him that proper tea is made in a pot with tea leaves, and from that snippet he has developed the belief that it is cruel to confine tea in tea bags. He has become a one man tea liberation front and he has been cutting open tea bags and releasing the tea. I keep finding tea leaves in the weirdest places. I don't know where he gets his ideas from!

I hope you like the picture, I was just messing around. Plastic pigs are class 442 EMU's and they are being withdrawn. Tomorrow is their final day of service.

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