Tuesday 8 January 2008

PJ Problems! 17.01.07

Robbie had a busy day, he was up at the crack of dawn to go to Leeds. The trains were a little kinder to him today and he arrived at his meeting on time.

Robbie is still smarting about the loss of his torn pair of PJ bottoms or 'lounge wear' as he insists on calling them. I put them in the bin a couple of weeks ago and he appears to be still in mourning for them. Of course it is not a simple case of replacing them, there is the little matter of bad taste to be considered. Even Marks and Spencer's cannot be relied upon to stock garish coloured PJ's with alarming patterns. It takes considerable effort to track down exactly the right pair to fit his personality, so he is still at the research stage.

His remaining PJ bottoms were in the wash, so this evening he disappeared upstairs and returned a few minutes later wearing what I can only describe as a pair of workman's overalls without the bib part. They were a sober navy blue colour, but they were about a foot too long for him and they made him a very peculiar shape. For some reason he wore them for the whole evening with the M&S price tag still attached to his bottom and this didn't enhance the image, the tag looked like a tail. I couldn't help enquiring what they were meant to be, and he explained that they were lightweight leisure trousers from Marks and Spencer's. Unlikely as it sounds, they are ten times worse than the PJ's and I am actually encouraging him to replace his 'lounge wear'!!!

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